Investment Road Signsᵀᴹ Strategy Update
At Compass Wealth Management, we have developed a set of comprehensive economic and policy indicators called Investment Road Signsᵀᴹ that serve as guidance for our proprietary investment risk management system. These indicators help us determine whether we are currently on an Investment Highwayᵀᴹ or facing an Investment Detour Strategyᵀᴹ.
What is an Investment Highwayᵀᴹ?
We define an Investment Highwayᵀᴹ as a period of relative stability and normal returns across investment portfolios with little to no Investment Road Signsᵀᴹ present.
What is an Investment Detour Strategyᵀᴹ?
In contrast to an Investment Highwayᵀᴹ, an Investment Detour Strategyᵀᴹ characterizes a changing market environment as potentially higher volatility and greater market uncertainty where investment road signs are more prevalent.
So what are our Investment Road Signsᵀᴹ telling us at this moment?
We believe the jury is still out on a Fed policy road sign being present, which means the only road sign we see on our continued journey on the Investment Highwayᵀᴹ is the market valuation road sign.
What this tells us is that there is increased caution of an Investment Detour Strategyᵀᴹ environment when any road signs are present. However, the last time we had activity with our road signs in January of 2022, we considered every sign present which was a clear indication that we were in an Investment Detour Strategyᵀᴹ environment:
Please note: This graphic is from a previous presentation in 2022 that showed which road signs were present at that time. We added the unemployment road sign in 2023 therefore all road signs being tracked at the time were present.
Going forward, we will keep you posted for any additional Investment Road Signsᵀᴹ that show up which could indicate that an Investment Detour Strategyᵀᴹ should be considered.
Have questions or want to speak with our team directly? Contact us.
Robert Amato, CFP®, CIMA®
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